Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Part 2: How to Wear Multiple Hats as an Entrepreneur

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/personal-development-2/part-2-how-to-wear-multiple-hats-as-an-entrepreneur/

Amber Olson Rourke is the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Nerium International — an award-winning skincare and wellness solutions company with headquarters in Addison, Texas. Amber is responsible for Nerium’s branding, creative services, communications, public relations, events, digital marketing and social media. Learn more about Amber by watching her monthly #realchats Facebook LIVE events and her #realchats thought leadership blog.

The Long and Short of It

It’s not unusual for people to commit to multiple roles. I’ve committed to being a spouse, parent, and entrepreneur. If you’re like me, you too would want to perform each of your roles — whatever they may be — to the best of your ability. Because this is such an important topic, I wanted to spend a little more time on each of the tips which is why I’m sharing two blogs this month.

Here’s a quick summary of Part One: Direct all your mental energy, clarity, and focus into the task at hand and (1) be all in; additionally, (2) be intentional with your time and focus on the tasks performed at work. When at home, live 100 percent in the moment with your loved ones at home. There are a time and place for every role you must fulfill and every role requires 100 percent of your effort and mental focus to do it right!

Just in case you didn’t happen to view the July Facebook Live event on the same topic, watch the replay here. In the meantime, let’s move on to the remaining tips.

Give Yourself Grace

Nobody is perfect! Instead of trying to achieve the impossible, only focus on making progress. You can’t do it all! Put your energy into what’s most important and focus on moving those things forward. Also, remember, you don’t have to do everything by yourself. If someone offers to help, accept it. Strong women, especially, find it difficult to accept help but as entrepreneurs, our calling is to do greater and bigger things. That requires help from wherever we can get it.

Language Matters

Lots of women (and men) struggle with guilt – guilt about working long hours, taking phone calls at home, leaving in the morning instead of staying home with your children, and more. As a mom, it’s super important that my daughter doesn’t think I don’t like going to work. I make sure to tell her that mommy has to leave to go to work because I have to help make people better. Your language and how you phrase what you’re doing is important to prevent yourself from feeling guilty about juggling your multiple roles.

Do More, To Be More

Are you mentally prepared to make sacrifices? I hope so because that’s what it takes to be successful. Keep in mind that there are more important things to do than going to every party you’re invited to or binge-watching 10 hours of TV. When it comes to accomplishing your goals, the difference between someone who makes it versus someone who breaks is successful people understand and are willing to make sacrifices. What are you willing to sacrifice?

Your Most Important Hat

The most important hat you’ll wear is your CEO hat. After all, we’re talking about your business and your future here! Your CEO hat keeps you motivated and keeps you from going off course as a result of daily distractions. The reality is that throughout your day, you may take on multiple roles but it’s essential to know the strategy and vision of why you’re doing what you’re doing. That’s why as an entrepreneur you never take off that hat. You’re in the driver’s seat of a future you’re building for yourself and your family. Never lose track of that!

That’s a wrap! If you have additional questions or have suggestions for future topics, submit comments below or message me directly. Don’t forget to follow and “Like” my page on www.facebook.com/AOlsonRourke/and feel free to share this blog with peers interested in leadership development.

Have a blessed day!

The post Part 2: How to Wear Multiple Hats as an Entrepreneur appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Part 1: How to Wear Multiple Hats as an Entrepreneur

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/personal-development-2/part-1-how-to-wear-multiple-hats-as-an-entrepreneur/

Amber Olson Rourke is the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Nerium International — an award-winning skincare and wellness solutions company with headquarters in Addison, Texas. Amber is responsible for Nerium’s branding, creative services, communications, public relations, events, digital marketing and social media. Learn more about Amber by watching her monthly #realchats Facebook LIVE events and her #realchats thought leadership blog.

What Makes an Entrepreneur

It takes courage and confidence to make it work as an entrepreneur. Not only are you working to improve your own quality of life, but you’re also helping others do the same, often while juggling multiple other roles. For this month’s topic, I’m excited to share with you what I’ve learned from my own experiences as a mom, wife, Co-Founder and CMO of Nerium InternationalTips to help entrepreneurs rock multiple roles.

Multiple Hats

As a wife, mom, and boss, I make every effort to perform, to the best of my ability, in each of my three roles. For this reason, I refuse to feel guilty about prioritizing what matters most to me. Life, especially life as an entrepreneur, can be as much overwhelming as it is rewarding, but as Tom Hanks’ character said in the 1992 movie A League of Their Own, “If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great.” Let’s get to it.

  1. Be All In

Make a conscious effort to be all in. That means deciding how you want others to see you. In my case, I want my employees to see me as a leader but also as a team member with a positive attitude. In my role as a boss, it’s super important to lead by example in work, dedication, and positive attitude. Every morning, when I walk through the doors at our headquarters, my goal is to — 100 percent — exceed in my position as Nerium’s Chief Marketing Officer. I’m fully present in the moment and I show up with my CMO hat on – ready to move! For the duration of my work day, I put all of my mental energy, clarity, and focus into my role as CMO.

Once I arrive home, I make a mental break. I don’t take any work calls or answer text messages unless it’s an emergency. At home, I’m a wife and a mother. As a wife, I engage in conversations at home and I’m focused on loving the time I’m afforded with my best friend and partner. It’s important to me to let Damon, my husband, know how much I appreciate and love our time together and I do this by giving him my full attention.

When it comes to my daughter, Hattie, I make sure to be home in time to tuck her into bed. We talk, we sing, and we read bedtime stories, together. I never rush Hattie and I make every effort to spend quality time with my love bug because I know that once I leave the house to go to work the next morning, I’m focused on the task at hand.

There are a time and place for every role you must fulfill and every role requires 100 percent of your effort and mental focus to do it right!

  1. Be Intentional With Your Time

Despite what you may have heard, multitasking is extremely ineffective. In an article in Psychology Today, I learned that neuroscience research revealed that the brain isn’t really capable of doing tasks simultaneously. In an NPR podcast on The Myth of Multitasking, Stanford University Psychology Professor Clifford Nass explains that constant multitasking actually wastes more time than saves it. Nass says, “People who chronically multitask show an enormous range of deficits.” In other words, you may think you’re more productive but you’re fooling yourself! If you’re intentional with your time, you shouldn’t have to multitask and, therefore, you’ll be more instead of less productive.

Here are a couple of tips to help you be intentional with your time:

  1. Non-negotiable Dates
    Here’s a quote (or, the version I remember at least!) that has stuck with me over the years: “The battle of your heart is won on the pages of your calendar.” You see, it’s not about the quantity but the quality of time you spend focused on what matters most to you. For example, my husband and I sit down every year and pre-schedule all of our non-negotiable dates. These include events such as weddings, family birthdays, vacations, and even special date nights. Afterward, we review our calendars every 90 days to make adjustments accordingly. The key here is to schedule all your non-negotiable dates in advance. Those dates are set in stone. All the other dates, meetings, friends’ birthday parties, and more can fill in the cracks. Fill in your non-negotiables first – otherwise, you might miss important dates later.
  2. Schedule Quality Time
    I’m not going to lie. It’s impossible to perfectly divide your time. But, you can divide what you choose to spend your time on. For example, Damon and I can spend three hours on a Friday night watching Netflix or we can do other things more meaningful to our relationship. We get up early every Monday morning and enjoy a quiet and calm coffee date. For 30 minutes, we talk about our upcoming week and we pray for one another and what are we stressed about. This is our sacred time – a time we reconnect so we can start the new week on the right foot. Our Mondays may turn chaotic, going from one meeting to another, phone calls, text messages, emails and more and I may not see or hear from Damon the entire day, but that’s ok because we’ve had our quality time.
  3. Time Blocks
    Time blocks simply mean you have a system in place where, every week, you look at what you need to accomplish and block time to accomplish those items on your to-do list. Move your highest priority items to the top of your list and get it done without any distractions. This is a great way to manage your time!

That’s a lot of information for just two tips! I’ll share the remaining three tips next week after you’ve had time to submit any questions you may have. I would love to hear from you! In the meantime, watch the replay of my July #realchats Facebook Live event here!


The post Part 1: How to Wear Multiple Hats as an Entrepreneur appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

How Nerium Chews Can Help You Feel Happier, Healthier, and in Harmony

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/nerium-product/how-nerium-chews-can-help-you-feel-happier-healthier-and-in-harmony/

Learn how Nerium Wellness Chews Energy and Sleep Formulas work to help you rebalance, restore, and regulate your circadian rhythm.

The post How Nerium Chews Can Help You Feel Happier, Healthier, and in Harmony appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Achieve Your Optimal State of Wellbeing With Two New Nerium Products

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/announcements/achieve-your-optimal-state-of-wellbeing-with-these-two-new-nerium-products/

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  • View our latest slideshow to learn more about Nerium's two new breakthrough Wellness products. Click on the right arrow to get started!
  • INTRODUCING WELLNESS CHEWS. With two breakthrough additions to our wellness product line, Nerium is taking optimal health to the next level with our Wellness Energy and Sleep Chews that are chock full of ingredients to help you restore, rebalance and regulate your circadian rhythm.*
  • EXCEPTIONAL BENEFITS. Here’s why you simply must try our Wellness Chews. Both the Energy and Sleep Formula feature our exclusive, proprietary CircadiplexTM, a blend of ashwagandha root and leaf extract, reishi mushroom, and gotu kola. These powerful ingredients help balance your circadian rhythm and increase the body’s ability to resist and recover from stress while stimulating an overall feeling of balance and normalization.*
  • EXPECT MORE ENERGY. Nerium’s Wellness Chews Energy Formula provide not only an instant energy boost but also offer many long-term benefits. Over time, when Energy Chews are taken daily, they work to restore, rebalance and regulate the waking cycle part of your circadian rhythm, helping you consistently maintain an improved, healthier-feeling energy level.*
  • EXPECT FEELING RESTED. On the other hand, our Wellness Chews Sleep Formula restore the sleep cycle part of your circadian rhythm. In the short term, enjoy reduced time falling asleep, increased time staying asleep, and waking up feeling fresh and clear-minded. In the long term, your internal clock will become more regulated and consistent.*
  • EXPECT EXCEPTIONAL INGREDIENTS. All three ingredients in the Circadiplex blend are adaptogens (a rare group of botanicals and mushrooms) which are fast becoming a force in the health world. Adaptogens possess unique properties that increase the body’s ability to resist and recover from stress while stimulating an overall feeling of balance and normalization.*
  • EXCEPTIONALLY NATURAL. Ashwagandha root and leaf extract is just one of the natural ingredients you’ll find in our Wellness Chews, in the Circadiplex blend, and is used to help improve sleep, optimize your ability to manage stress, and regulate your circadian rhythm.*
  • EXCEPTIONALLY NATURAL. Another powerful ingredient in Circadiplex is reishi mushroom, an adaptogen that has been used for thousands of years. It has been found to help regulate stress and to promote sleep by helping support normal hormone and cortisol levels.*
  • EXCEPTIONALLY NATURAL. Finally, gotu kola is the third ingredient in Circadiplex. Known as the “herb of longevity,” gotu kola helps ease anxiety and stress and ensures better sleep. Also known by its scientific name Centella Asiatica.*
  • EXPECT EXCEPTIONAL. Nerium Wellness Chews work synergistically to restore, rebalance and regulate your circadian rhythm to help you feel alert and energetic throughout the day, and fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer at night. The impact on your body is not only instant, but our Wellness Chews offer long-term benefits as well. You will feel happier, healthier and totally in harmony so you never skip a beat. Visit our website for more information.
  • * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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The post Achieve Your Optimal State of Wellbeing With Two New Nerium Products appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Nerium’s Breakthrough Wellness Chews

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/announcements/new-product-everything-you-need-to-know-about-neriums-breakthrough-wellness-chews-2/

Expect Exceptional Wellness

Do you ever find yourself struggling to stay focused and alert during the day? Do you feel tired but unable to shut down and sleep soundly at night? These are signs of a disrupted circadian rhythm. If you’re unsure of what this means, the National Sleep Foundation explains that your circadian rhythm is like a 24-hour internal clock that cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals.

Restoring your circadian rhythm is important because along with a healthy diet and frequent exercise, a regulated sleep cycle that allows you to get plenty of rest is one of the pillars of your health. Poor sleep affects your mood, productivity, concentration, weight, energy and so much more. Nerium is committed to helping you achieve optimal health which is nearly impossible to achieve without initiating step one: restoring your rhythm.

Introducing Wellness Chews

Nerium has shattered records in the world of age-defying skincare and wellness by creating exclusive, effective products customers love. Nerium is committed to a holistic approach to wellness that provides innovative solutions that allow people to look, feel and live better. And, we’re still discovering ways to help make people better which is why we’re thrilled to introduce our latest two breakthrough wellness solutions to help you restore your internal clock so you feel more alert and energized during the day, and able to get restful sleep at night, naturally: Wellness Chews Sleep Formula and Wellness Chews Energy Formula.∗


Never Skip a Beat

As you may know, Nerium’s comprehensive, age-fighting product line combines the best of science and nature to deliver proven results, transforming how you look on the outside and feel on the inside. Interestingly, your quality of sleep affects both how you look on the outside and feel on the inside which is why Nerium has developed our Wellness Energy Chews, featuring our exclusive, proprietary CircadiplexTM blend and other natural, active ingredients designed to regulate your internal clock by balancing your circadian rhythm over time.

Experience an immediate boost of energy when you take our berry-flavored Energy Chews, to help you feel awake in the morning and focused throughout the day. Our Energy Chews help provide sustained alertness while supporting a calm, relaxed state of mind. Over time, when Energy Chews are taken daily, they work to rebalance the waking cycle part of your circadian rhythm. Chews also help your body counteract the negative effects of stress. The best part is that our Wellness Energy Chews are designed to work in perfect harmony with our Sleep Formula to enhance performance with continued daily dosage.

Sleep Tight, Every Night

Don’t you just love the peaceful way you feel when you’re naturally in sync with the world? Achieve perfect harmony when you take Nerium’s Sleep Chews in addition to Nerium’s Energy Chews —both formulas work synergistically to restore, rebalance and regulate your circadian rhythm so you can deliver your peak performance throughout the day, and then easily wind down and get a full night of deep, restorative sleep, so you can feel refreshed and ready to go in the morning. Sleep Chews help to naturally reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, helps increase the time you stay asleep, and allows you to wake up fresh and clear-minded in the morning which in turn also helps your body counteract the negative effects of stress.

Expect exceptional results when using Nerium’s new Wellness Chews. Chews will be available in the US for purchase by current Brand Partners on July 23 and new and existing Preferred Customers beginning August 1!

The post Everything You Need to Know About Nerium’s Breakthrough Wellness Chews appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Have You Heard? Nerium Has One of the Coolest On-Trend Ingestible Beauty Products Around!

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/announcements/have-you-heard-nerium-has-one-of-the-coolest-on-trend-ingestible-beauty-products-around/

Nerium is thrilled to announce that our breakthrough ProlisticTM Pre & Probiotic Plus Vitamins received a shout-out in one of the world’s most trusted fashion and beauty sources: WWD Beauty Inc.!

Beauty Inc.’s special edition, Innovation Issue, reveals top picks in four categories of the supplement sector – women’s health, adaptogens, probiotics, and travel size. We are elated to discover that Prolistic Probiotic Powder has been included in the probiotics category as a product infused with Vitamin C to give the “quick-dissolving powder” an immune-supporting boost.*

Good Skin Begins In The Gut

Nerium Co-Founder and CMO Amber Olson Rourke points out that Prolistic Probiotic Powder contains both probiotic strains and prebiotics, which work synergistically to help support good digestive function and enhance levels of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system.* Both your gut and your skin are comprised of trillions of bacteria, which makes up the microbiome. In a healthy microbiome, there are more beneficial bacteria than bad bacteria. A healthy microbiome supports good digestion and maximizes the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting absorption of nutrients.*

Nerium’s Probiotic Powder provides probiotics and essential vitamins to help support overall immune system function, ease digestion, and optimize the health of the digestive system.* All you have to do is pour Probiotic Powder onto your tongue and allow the powder to dissolve. Just one packet daily can provide a multitude of benefits! For optimal results, use in conjunction with our Prolistic Skin-Balancing Lotion with Probiotic Technology.

If you haven’t already, order Nerium’s ProlisticTM Pre & Probiotic Plus Vitamins online today. What’s stopping you?

The post Have You Heard? Nerium Has One of the Coolest On-Trend Ingestible Beauty Products Around! appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

In Pursuit of Happiness: A Global Summit Held Here in North Texas!

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/personal-development-2/in-pursuit-of-happiness-a-global-summit-held-here-in-north-texas/

Igniting New Momentum for Positive Education

The week of June 25, Deborah K. Heisz, Nerium Co-CEO and the CEO of Live Happy, Nerium’s sister organization, delivered the opening statement at the World Positive Education Accelerator (WPEA): Second Festival of Positive Education + Appreciative Inquiry Summit. She also contributed the parent perspective in a panel about why the world needs positive education, sharing a personal story about her son and what it took for him to begin to thrive again at school.

“If teachers, administrators, parents and the student’s full support system focus on what’s going right, it’s transformative,” Deborah said on the center stage with four other panelists. “We need to educate our educators that while it makes sense to focus on the challenges to try to right them, what works for the kids is to highlight their strengths and to let them find their own confidence to tackle the obstacles.”

In fact, that’s what positive education is: focusing on the well-being and strengths, not just of students but of everyone in the system: administrators, staff and teachers included.

The goal of the event in Fort Worth, Texas, was to bring together and elevate the inspiration and ideas of more than 1,200 innovators in education, psychology, and business to further the impact of the positive education movement. Both Deborah and Nerium Founder and CEO Jeff Olson sit on the board for the International Positive Education Network (IPEN), which co-convened the conference with the David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry.

Making People Better

An integral part of the Nerium mission is to emphasize the role happiness plays in success. In fact, happiness is a precursor to success. For this reason, we greatly support implementing measures of positive psychology in early childhood to help prepare our kids for a lifetime of joy and happiness. Considering the fast pace with which the global environment is evolving, it becomes essential for our children to develop and grow the necessary skills to be able to flourish in the 21st century.

IPEN supports and drives change to include positive education around the world. “Positive education views school as a place where students not only cultivate their intellectual minds but also develop a broad set of character strengths, virtues and competencies, which together support their well-being,” according to a report issued by IPEN.

The positive psychology movement is important because it focuses on blending academic learning with character and well-being. Especially in today’s world, preparing students with life skills including optimism, resilience, growth mindset, engagement, critical thinking and mindfulness among others is one of the best gifts we can pass along.

Character + Academics

The first few days of the conference included talks by positive psychology powerhouses such as Martin Seligman, Ph.D.; Angela Duckworth, Ph.D.; Sir Anthony Seldon, and of course David Cooperrider, Ph.D., who led the Appreciative Inquiry portion of the conference to ignite new momentum to the international movement of positive education.

Topics addressed in the brainstorming and planning sessions include teacher enrichment and training; what the future of learning will look like for all levels from early education to higher education; new science and research opportunities; national and international policy and business as a force for positive education.

It was especially interesting to hear the student voices, offering scholarships through Live Happy to make sure their ideas were included.

“If we want to make meaningful change through the Appreciative Inquiry process at WPEA, engaging with students will be a critical part of the long-term success of the endeavor,” Deborah says.

Post-summit momentum and structure will continue, and you can count on Nerium and Live Happy leadership to be a part of the innovations that emerge from such a momentous gathering.



The post In Pursuit of Happiness: A Global Summit Held Here in North Texas! appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

How To Build Your Brand

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/personal-development-2/how-to-build-your-brand/

Amber Olson Rourke is the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Nerium International — an award-winning skincare and wellness solutions company with headquarters in Addison, Texas. Amber is responsible for Nerium’s branding, creative services, communications, public relations, events, digital marketing and social media. Learn more about Amber by watching her monthly #realchats Facebook LIVE events and her #realchats thought leadership blog.

Branding Basics

Branding is a topic I’m personally very passionate about. I’ve been involved with branding for more than ten years, and as Co-Founder and CMO of Nerium International, I can assure you that branding is so much more than having a fancy logo and tagline. Branding is about telling YOUR story to the right people at the right time. Whether you’re a photographer, a realtor, or a Nerium International Brand Partner, branding is super important and ultimately is what will set you apart from your competitors.

Without further delay, here are my top five tips for building a killer brand around yourself.

Tip 1: Establish a Brand Motto

Your first and most important step is to establish a brand motto. Try to keep your motto as simple as possible! In fact, the simpler the better. But, do put some thought, focus, and clarity into it. Let’s take a look at a company that has been a huge success since opening its doors in 1971: Starbucks. Today, Starbucks has more than 24,000 retail stores in 70 countries. The brand’s motto is something along the lines of “Building Community Around Coffee.” Starbucks has projected itself as a responsible company with a goal to strike a balance between profitability and social conscience with the common thread being coffee. That’s the message Starbucks consistently puts out there for the public to see.

What do you want people to think about you in terms of a business relationship? Write down about five words that you want to intentionally put out there for the world to see. That’s your motto. Once you have your short description, all your decisions should be made focused on those words.

Tip 2: Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Now that you’ve locked down your motto, you must decide who your audience is, i.e., who is the tribe you’re trying to attract. Here’s an example. Many Nerium International Brand Partners are moms looking for an extra and flexible way to earn an income. For a person like this, it would be in their best interest to look for other moms with a similar philosophy as a way to relate. When you share similar interests, you’ll be able to more easily attract like-minded individuals, and more importantly, you’ll be able to speak from a place of authenticity.

Tip 3: Be Consistent

The best brands out there are focused and consistent, e.g., Oprah Winfrey or Disney World. If you want to attract, e.g., millennials, your tone and message should be directed toward young entrepreneurs. The idea is not to exclude people who fall outside of the category, but more so to be consistent in sharing a specific message and story.

Tip 4: Tell a Story, Not a Sales Pitch

In today’s consumer-driven environment, people are hesitant to buy into a sales pitch. After you’ve completed steps one through three, create the story you want to tell and focus on how you’re going to tell it. Here’s an analogy to explain better. Your story and your brand represent a movie of your life with the service or product you offer is the commercial during that movie. Allow people to see who you are including your strengths and weaknesses. In between, you insert what you’re selling by solving their problem.

Tip 5: Connect with Others

This step is super important. Nurture the relationships you’ve already established. Engage and interact with existing customers and remember that most sales occur as a result of referrals. Take care of your existing tribe in order to attract a wider audience and bigger leads. Never neglect your tribe; instead, consistently engage and interact with your people.

I hope you found this month’s topics as fascinating as I have! Now, you’re ready to work on building your own killer brand. Which phrase will you be using as your brand motto? If you have any questions, feel free to submit them below.

Make it a fabulous day!

The post How To Build Your Brand appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.

Expect Exceptional Results

Shared by: http://neriumblog.net/nerium-international/expect-exceptional-results/

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  • HEAD-TO-TOE AGE-FIGHTING. Nerium International has taken age-fighting to the next level with an innovative line of wellness products, the perfect complement to Nerium skincare solutions, developed to help you look and feel better than ever.
  • THE BEST OF SCIENCE AND NATURE. Working in tandem with Nerium's skincare products, Nerium's wellness solutions including Youth Factor™ Complete Vitality Complex, Youth Factor™ Superfood & Antioxidant Boost Powder, Prolistic™ Skin-Balancing Lotion with Probiotic Technology, and our best-seller EHT® Brain Formula, contain scientifically advanced, nutritional ingredients to address common aging concerns, inside and out.
  • ONE-OF-A-KIND SOLUTIONS. Nerium works with some of the world’s top-tier universities, researchers and internationally recognized biotechnology labs to bring you scientifically derived, one-of-a-kind skincare and wellness products comprised of exclusive, patented ingredient blends.
  • EXPECT EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY. Nerium's R&D teams have developed wellness solutions that work to promote cognitive function, support the body's ability to maintain and repair itself, and contribute directly to your overall health and wellbeing.
  • EXPECT EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS. You, too, can combat the signs of aging when you use Nerium's breakthrough skincare and wellness solutions. Click here for more information.

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Combat the signs of aging when you use Nerium’s breakthrough skincare and wellness solutions!


The post Expect Exceptional Results appeared first on Best Anti Aging Eye Cream.